Monday, May 27, 2019

Tensions in Whitechapel- Immigration

The main immigration into Whitechapel was Irish Immigration and Eastern European Jewish Immigration. 

Irish Immigration 
When did they immigrate to the East End? 
Since the early nineteenth century but there was a rise in the 1840s.

Why did they immigrate? 
Irish Immigration rose in 1840 due to the Irish Potato famine.
 In general, They aimed to find work as "navvies". This meant to be a labourer on canals, roads and railways. Whitechapel in particular was attractive to large number of settles because of the cheap lodgings and closeness to the docks.

Why did this immigration cause tensions?
"Nature" of the Irish: They were hard drinking which led to violent behavior and therefore unpopular with the rest of the community
Religion:Targets of prejudice as they were Catholics
Fenians: During this time, Ireland was under British rule. However, many of the Irish wanted independence. A group of Irish that held this belief were called Fenians. There was a rise in this Fenian Irish Nationalism and in 1884 they began a bombing campaign. Few hurt but this led the public to believe the Irish were violent criminals and potential terrorists. Furthermore, a new police department, Special Branch dealt with Irish Terrorism.

Eastern European Jewish Immigration 
When did they immigrate to the East End? 
30,000 arrived in London between 1881-91

Why did they immigrate to the East End? 
The assassination of Tsar Alexander II led to Russian Jews being persecuted in Russia. This caused many to flee to England in large numbers

Why did this immigration cause tensions? 
It was harder for them to integrate into the community than it was for Irish Immigrant due to the language barrier (most spoke only Yiddish) the cultural and religious differences (Religious Holidays and Sabbath Rituals). This lead to segregation as Jewish immigrants ended up working for more established Jewish employers (usually in sweatshops) and therefore they were apart from the community and a target for prejudice.

Jewish settlers were widely resented by the local population because of the cultural differences and conflicting attitudes to work and business.
Jewish people were often successful, hardworking new immigrants who were desperate for work and will work for low wages. Many ran businesses in sweatshop models- which were illegal so could sell at lower prices than businesses that followed government rules about fair working conditions. Furthermore, the Jewish holy day was Saturday not Sunday meaning they could work Sundays when others couldn't.

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